Sunday, March 30, 2008

Who am I?

Hey there, first post here and one that I'm sure nobody will read for quite sometime.

Hi, I'm J. Yeah, for those of you who actually know me that's not exactly anonymous but I'm not sure how anonymous this blog will stay. Probably just enough so that I don't get fired ;)

Who am I?
-I'm a student at a big University in the Western United States. I'm hoping to go into medicine and I'll be applying for medical school in 2 years or so. Lately I've been having my doubts about this career path though. My father is a physician and I've watched him work himself to death- he claims its not worth it but I've always been stubborn.

I play the game well, I've been published and I still do research. When I focus on school it gets done and I get good grades. This is my fourth year of undergrad but I really took two years off, which leads me to:

-I was a semi professional athlete. I wasn't really all that talented but I worked my ass off and it let me travel the US and Europe. I loved the lifestyle but hated the day to day work and starving myself. Eventually, I took a sport that I loved and made it into a job- I still don't regret it though. In a lot of ways attempting to be a professional athlete is a lot like going into medicine. I'll talk about that more later on.

-I'm an EMT-B, and a very new wet behind the ears one at that. So far, I love it. I'm sure I'll have some (HIPPA approved) stories to post this summer.

-I've played the cello for 12 years (random instrument ay). Another thing that I'm not very talented at but I make it work. I'd like to learn the guitar this summer.

What do I want this blog to be?

  • An outlet. I often need to vent, I'm hoping this will help more than anger management classes
  • A resource for other aspiring pre-med students. Please, someone learn from my mistakes!
  • A small bit of daylight and happyness, bunnies and all that stuff, in your big world of darkness. Perhaps a bit of entertainment if you will.
Cheers all.