but that's a Bariatric Ambulance.... yes- its for fat people (sorry, obese). Really, really fat people. From the SW ambulance site:
"Its main purpose is to create a safe environment that allows obese patients to preserve their dignity during transport."
Ummmm, yeah. Or so that your employees don't kill themselves and their backs trying to life a beluga whale into the back of an ambulance. Some key features:
- specialized air shock/ lifts and heavy-duty suspension to lower the entire ambulance for a safer loading and unloading angle. (think you can make it bounce? We'd get a little more street cred that way)
- A new loading ramp which extends for safer loading and unloading of patients with a motorized pulley system that attaches to the gurney, and a strengthened, lowered and widened patient area.
I'm all for this, hell- can we get a ramp and a winch standard on all the rigs?
(oh, and NO, I do not work for Southwest Ambulance, nor am I affiliated with them in any way. Any rumor you may have heard about me and a female EMT in the back of an ambulance is just that- a rumor. For further comments please speak to my legal council)
HAHA, I'm diggin' it.
The service I'm interning with has a barriatric truck.... And we've got to use it more than once... 2 engine companies and 4 medics later... we were on the way there... We even have ramps to unload!
Also, don't bang EMS chicks...it's like banging a sorority chick, they've all been used a lot and probably have some kind of weird disease.
I, of course, do not.
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