Thursday, March 26, 2009


I've been struggling with what I want to write on here.

I'd love to recount stories of SAR callouts, and I have for some one the more interesting ones, but I've found that for the most part 90% of them follow the same basic outline:

-Hiker/Skier/Snowmobiler is TLS (Tired/Lonely (or lost)/Scared) and calls us
-We usually have a good idea where he/she is
-We hike in
-We hike them out (yes, if they can hike out they weren't that hurt in the first place...)

There have been some interesting ones but they've been few and far between (and I've written about most of them).

So, what should I write about? I'd love to talk some about how I see technology helping and hurting our search and rescue team. Or, even the general attitudes in EMS and medicine. Any other ideas?

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