Friday, May 15, 2009

Quite Possibly the Finest Prank Ever

I credit myself for being a little bit of a prankster... Its a defense mechanism and a way of reminding my self that none of us are really all that important. Usually, its little stuff. Like sneaking into one of our deputies cars and turning up the radio so that when he turns it on in the morning he'll be bombarded with Mexican polka (bonus points for taking the radio control knobs off or covering them in KY) or tying my team leader's boots to the litter as we're practicing carries.

One deputy I work with took the cake though. We were doing a body recovery. A really, really bad body recovery. The kind where you bring the pieces out in small trash bags as you find them and hope the patient had good dental records.

Well, for some reason, the patient's ear was found far, far away from the rest of the pieces of the body. The ear was placed in its own bag and because of that forgotten about when the rest of the pieces were handed over to the coroner.

This deputy realized his mistake about an hour later, and sheepishly told our commanding officer. Our CO's reply:

"Fuck, well just throw the damn thing away, none of us ever saw it..."

Ay, ay captain, and so it was done, or we thought.

Not long after the call out the afore mentioned deputy and went to grab us sandwiches after the call out. Our CO had been bitching all day about how hungry he was and how long the recovery was taking, etc, etc, etc.

The Deputy returned from his food run, handed out all the boxes of food, and (quickly) walked away. Our CO opened his sandwich box, opened his hoagie to pile on the mayo and letuce and there, smack dab in the middle of his ham was the ear that had been "thrown away".

Our CO immediately recoiled, and chucked the sandwhich at the (now running) deputy. After a brief pursuit the deputy handed out CO his real sandwhich, the ear was finally thrown away, and one of the better pranks in our department went down in infamy.

1 comment:

Michael Guzzo said...

Holy crap!! That put's my sophomoric pranks to shame.