Thursday, April 24, 2008

Screw you: World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week

Great, I just got an email from my PI informing us of "World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week" (this week) and a march on our campus to MY building tomorrow. This means that I can't get into said building to get my research done without fearing for my own personal safety. For the record, some of the research I do includes animals, mainly mice, but sometimes rats, rabbits, or sheep. Guess what? I'm perfectly fine with using them and I do everything I can to make sure the animals are treated with respect and are never in any pain. So does every other researcher I know; animal research is strictly governed by every University.

I wonder.....
I assume the people who are protesting the use of animals in research are vegetarians, most of them probably vegans (if not then the hypocrisies have already begun). But:
  • Do they ever visit the doctor?
  • Do they ever use ANY medication, even Tylenol or Advil?
  • Have they ever undergone any medical treatments?
If so, (begin sarcasm) SHAME ON THEM FOR CAPITALIZING ON THESE POOR DEFENSELESS ANIMAL'S LIVES FOR THEIR OWN GOOD (end sarcasm). In reality, if they have then they are hypocrites and should crawl back into whatever hole they came from (or house they're squatting in).

I ask them this: If a loved one was lying on the OR table, rapidly de-sating and facing death, would authorize a procedure that had been tested on animals (virtually ALL medical procedures)? Or, would you value the life of an animal that was bred only for research purposes over the life of someone you love?

Sure, we all want free healthcare (cough), but please god, don't hurt the cute little mice.....

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