Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Random Pictures from Our PreFinals BBQ

Steak, Bratwurst, Swordfish
Peppers, Asparagus, and Pineapple
Who says I don't have taste? (ok, a lot of people do, but I try!)

Random people who shall not be named, but rock. One pre-med, one future biology professor, and one engineer, can you figure out who is who?

Oh god, that's a cheese ball picture of me. But lets focus on what's important... the swordfish was excellent. Props to the people who brought it over (who may or may not read this blog).


Medic61 said...

Nice! Now I want a barbecue :(

tracy said...

Hey, Goodlooking! (coming from an "old married lady"!) Love the pic's, looks like sooo much fun...oh, to be young again! Thanks for sharing the party!

tracy said...

ps Hi Sam! : )

EE said...

Sordfish, wtf?


Unknown said...

Swordfish is excelent! Don't worry, I had steak too so my testis wouldn't fall off...

Unknown said...

Swordfish is excelent! Don't worry, I had steak too so my testis wouldn't fall off...

tracy said...

That's good, Justin, 'cause i was gettin' worried...
; )